Tattoo Designs - Cross Tattoos As Symbols Of Strength

The cross is one of the most famous symbols of the world. It is an integral part of Western culture and history. It marks one of the first places we go, as babies, when we were baptized, and it marks the last place of rest, when our lives are done. It is a religious symbol - a sign of faith hope and love - but more. For many, it provides comfort, security and strength. Many people have lived through them and died for them.

Above all, it is unconditional love, if a person was willing to give his life for others. In this context speaks of total commitment. It also endurance, as has taken not only the symbol itself over the centuries, but, according to the teachings and philosophy have represented them in spite of persecution, war and do everything to eradicate them. Cross tattoos are symbols of strength and endurance.

Celtic Cross Tattoos

Celtic crosses are unique. They are drawn with a circle are the vertical and horizontal arms, or they can use the cross completely pulled into the circle. These designs have been found for several thousand years before the Christian era, but they have a special significance after the death of Christ.

The Celts embellished the basic design by knotwork. This can be created on the cross itself or the cross is a heart of a knotwork design form, drawn with the loops and scrolls to the cross. can represent the never-ending knotwork eternity or God's infinite love. It can also represent our content world of the spirit that was always so much a part of Celtic culture.

Tribal Cross Tattoos

Tribal Cross tattoo designs are usually decorative and often complicated. You can be strong and energetic or drawn fine and delicate. Either way, they retain their character and their strength. The crosses are often the heart of the distinctive tribal scrolls and flourishes. Tribal designs for maximum visual impact. This makes them ideal strength tattoos - not only because they are strong, but because of what look to represent them.

Cross tattoos as souvenirs

Wearing a cross tattoo is a popular way to remember loved ones. It can easily be worn as a cross or a birth date or the date of death or even the name of a person. Perhaps there is a favorite flower or animal you could work with a cross in Fig. Remember love is a source of strength to win. Often this person love, support and comfort that we all need from time to time would have provided.

By wearing cross tattoos, you can make a statement about your faith, or you can force the virtues which they represent, or you can to force the memory of someone you love to gain profit. Whatever the reason you wear them, they can be a symbol of strength.


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